1. Evaporative cooling: This method involves the use of water to cool the surrounding air. The water is sprayed into the air, and as it evaporates, it absorbs heat from the air, resulting in cooler air. This method is commonly used in greenhouses and other indoor plant facilities.
2. Air conditioning: This method involves the use of refrigeration systems to cool the air. It is commonly used in large industrial plants that require precise temperature control.
3. Heat exchangers: This method involves the use of heat exchangers to transfer heat from the plant to a cooling medium, such as water or air. This method is commonly used in power plants and other large industrial facilities.
4. Radiant cooling: This method involves the use of chilled water pipes or panels to cool the surrounding air. This method is commonly used in commercial buildings and large industrial facilities.
5. Natural ventilation: This method involves the use of natural ventilation to cool the plant. It is commonly used in small-scale plant facilities and greenhouses.
6. Heat recovery: This method involves the use of heat recovery systems to capture waste heat from the plant and use it to heat or cool other areas of the facility. This method is commonly used in large industrial plants.